2014年6月6日 星期五

Is ring design more important or the diamond?

Very often when men customers come to Bee’s Diamonds for an engagement ring consultations, the very first question that we ask them is “What kind of ring do you envision for your other half?”. Interestingly, 9 out of 10 men would describe how the ring would look like, filigrees, simple crown, solitaire,classic. Only very few men would actually talk about the main character of the ring – the diamond. This is surprising as I thought most guys would not pay attention to small details such as how thick the shanks should be, how high should the diamond be lifted from the ring to maximize sparkles. Only a rare few men would start by saying that they want a F colour diamond with VS2 clarity, etc.. So the question of the day is – should you pay more attention to the diamond or the design of the ring? Should you buy a ring because of its design or because of the center stone?

There are two major parts that compose a ring – the center stone, be whatever it is,whether it is a diamond, sapphire, ruby, sapphire, and the design. Bee’s Diamonds highly advises you to focus your investment on the center diamond rather than the ring design for a number of valid reasons. First, the center stone is your new family’s first asset which will most likely be passed down from your generation to the next. Even if it is not, it may be taken by your wife for trading up(trading in for a bigger diamond in the future, and yes, this happens in later years of the marriage. In fact, very often does this happen, especially in recent years when women always look for bigger looking diamonds). Furthermore,the diamond is not just a symbol of engagement and marriage, it is the passing of wealth from one to another, from one family to another. As such, the diamond should form the largest portion of your investment in the ring.

The design is important too, but of lesser importance. Designs are temporary.Similar to fashion trends, what looks good now may not look good say 10 years from now. A lot of women bring in old jewellery from their grandparents’ era and ask for redesign and remounting at Bee’s Diamonds. They will never change or throw away the diamonds, but they will only create new designs that match the diamond. So, no matter how much you or your soon-to-be fiancé likes the design, one should not buy the ring simply because of the design. The diamond should be your choice of concern. Plus, the sum of designs and mounting is relatively low compared to the value of diamonds, so one should not focus too much time investigating on the designs but a majority of effort on understanding and learning about diamonds from certified gemologists, so to ensure an investment well worth the value.

What kind of ring design would be classic and can be worn in the many years to come?What are some of the recommended designs that would not waste much of your investment but will be long lasting and durable? Should you choose a ring mount with 4 prongs or 6 prongs? Stay tuned for more ring information in future blog posts.

For more information on how to choose a diamond or a ring design, please contact Bee’s Diamonds at info@beesdiamonds.com or at (852) 2180 7812.

