2014年4月13日 星期日

Diamonds in CityU Career Fair 來自城市大學的鑽石

Diamonds in CityU Career Fair

Bee’s Diamonds are delighted to join the Career Fair of City University of Hong Kong and meet several young talents on 9th and 10th April. Every student is young, smart and energetic which remind us the old days in college.

We are so impressed by the candidates, because of not only their qualification, but also their enthusiasm. We received over 200 CVs from students from diverse background included LLM, Biology, engineering etc, and we truly think that they are all precious gems and diamonds that we wished to shortlist all the candidates.

“Why are you applying our post of Trainee Diamond Associate?” “I am so interested to forge my career in Jewellery industry and I wish to be a successful ‘golden bachelor’.” This is one of the interesting answers we heard in the Career Fair, but we could guarantee that you will have a fruitful career with us if you determine to succeed and dare to dream big. The founder of Bee’s International Group, Mr Bee Ng was interviewed by the Economic Times on the career opportunities in Jewellery Industry, which the news was featured in both Economic Times and CTgoodjobs. “We have clear career path for Diamond Associates. We look for candidates who have good communication skills, are sincere and hardworking” Mr. Bee Ng said.

“I can still remember the time I was interviewed by the HR director of Bee’s Diamonds. I was really nervous, but it was happy to share my previous experiences and career aspiration with the HR director.” One of our colleagues in Bee’s Diamonds said: “For the candidate who will be invited to our next round interview, I have tips for you. Smile, be confident and be prepared to show your unique selling proposition!”


在過去的49日以及410日,Bee’s Diamonds 參加了城市大學的事業博覽會。我們Bee’s Diamonds 一眾同事見到校園中充滿活力的面孔亦青春起來。


「為什麼你會申請鑽石銷售助理這個職位呢?」「我希望在珠寶行業發展,成為成功的『鑽石王老五』」我們聽完都被風趣的城大學生吸引。不過,只要肯努力,有夢想,Bee’s Diamonds 一定可以給你一個豐足的事業。 早兩日Bee’s International Group 的創辦人吳少國先生接受經濟日報的訪問。「多勞多得 珠寶銷售助理月入3萬」刊於經濟日報及CTgoodjobs。 吳先生先生表示:「我們有清晰的進升制度。具備良好表達能力,有誠意和勤力將獲優先考慮。

「我還對當天於Bee’s Diamonds面試的情況記憶猶新。雖然很緊張,但我很高興可以和人力資源的主管分享過往的工作經驗和事業願景。」我們Bee’s Diamonds的一個職員:「對於即將被邀請至Bee’s Diamonds下輪面試的同學,可以給你們一些小提示:保持笑容、自信和做足準備。

#Bee's Diamonds #CityU #Career Fair #Trainee #Diamonds Associate #Job Application #Bee Ng #Economic Times #CTgoodjobs #interview #tips 
#香港城市大學 #城市大學 #鑽石營業見習生 #見習生 #求職 #吳少國 #經濟日報 #面試

Diamonds Price went up again! 鑽石價格再度急升!

Diamonds Price went up again!

Our forecast on the raise of price of diamonds before Easter has been proven accurate by last Friday’s (11 April) International standardized Rappaport price list. Price of fancy- shaped (e.g. heart, pear-shaped) diamonds of 1-2 carats D color has gone up to 6%, while 3 carats F & J color, 4 carats K , L & G color and 5 carats I & G color has significantly increased more than 10%. For diamonds more than 10 carats J/SI3, the price dramatically increased 14.9%. “It shows the increase of the demand of fancy-shaped diamonds. More and more mainland customers are keen to buy large-carats diamonds for investment. More and more our customers consulted our diamond investment team for the first hand market information and gain wealth with our help. “ Said by Ms Rendy Ng, our GIA Gemologist and Accredited Jewelers Professional. We welcome all the people who would like to enrich their diamond portfolio, please contact Bee’s Diamonds’ diamond investment team at info@beesdiamonds.com

Please visit http://www.beesdiamonds.com/mavista/cms/en/home


Bee’s Diamonds 的鑽石投資部早前預計鑽石價錢將於復活節前上升。而上星期五的國際鑽石價格的急升如實地反映我們Bee’s Diamonds的預測。非圓形的鑽石中不同卡拉的鑽石各有升幅。其中12卡拉 D色鑽石的價錢上升了6%,  3卡拉F J , 4K, L G , 5卡的I G色則顯著地上升了超過10%。而10卡拉以上的J/SI3鑽石價錢則急升14.9%Rendy Ng女士, Bee’s Diamonds 的珠寶鑑証師表示:這正正反映非圓形的鑽石需求增加。愈來愈多內地客人購買大卡數的鑽石投資。而愈來愈多客人透過我們的鑽石投資部獲得市場第一手消息投資獲利。回報比傳統的銀行利息,債卷,甚至黃金都要高。"我們歡迎所有有興趣投資鑽石的人士查詢鑽石投資的詳情,請聯絡我們的鑽石投資部info@beesdiamonds.com


#Fancy-shaped #diamonds #Bee's Diamonds #investment #GIA Diamonds 
#鑽石 #投資